The following information will guide you through the New Member process:
Hockey Canada HCR 3.0 is the universal registration program used to manage all registration of participants throughout Canada.
You will create a profile on Hockey Canada HCR 3.0 under "My Account" Your login account is your email
address. Many parents have multiple email accounts, , so please use the email address you feel is easy to remember and will not change. Also, when creating a password use an easily remember password for future references.
Before creating My Account in the HCR 3.0 you will have to have the following documentation with you:
Birth certificate (a passport can also be used as proof of age)
Proof of Residency (Drivers License or Utility bill indicating current date, name and address)
One parent must complete an online Parent course through the OMHA. This can be completed after you have
created My Account using the same email address. Information about the Respect in Sport Program
Click Here:
Respect In Sport Parent Program
You will have to review "Rowans Law" Click here:
OHF Rowans Law and acknowledge the waiver here:
Click Here
Now that you have completed the above and have all the documentation on hand, here is the link with the instructions on how to create :
"My Account"
When you have completed creating your "My Account" you can go to "Register Now" and register your child to the Caledon Minor Hockey Association using the User ID and Password.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact the office by email -
[email protected]
or call during business hours 905-584-7825