1. When does the hockey season start/end?
The hockey season runs from approximately September (Rep & MD)/October (house league) to the end of March.
2. Where will the games/practices be played?
Local games/practices will be scheduled at any of the arenas in Caledon: Caledon East, Lloyd Wilson (Inglewood), Don Sheardown (Bolton), and/or Mayfield. Addresses and maps can be found under Arenas on the ‘About Us’ page.
3. When will the schedule be available? (Applicable to house league only)
Schedules are completed just prior to the season starting. Once they are available, they will be posted on our website. Times and venues can vary every season based on registration numbers and ice availability.
4. When will I be contacted in regards to what team my child is on?
You will be contacted within the last couple weeks of September and told the date and time of your child’s first (of up to 3) evaluation skate.
5. Can I request a specific coach or team? Can I request that my child be placed on a team with a specific player for car-pooling purposes?
Unfortunately we cannot accommodate these types of requests.
6. What equipment is required?
The league provides a jersey and a pair of socks for all players. Every player must be equipped with the following:

CSA certified helmet |
Shoulder pads |
CSA certified full facial proctector |
Elbow pads |
Mouth guard |
Throat protector |
Hockey pants |
Hockey gloves |
Athletic support (jock / jill) |
Hockey stick |
Shin Pads |
Skates |
(Additional and specially designed equipment is required for goalies.)
For information on proper fitting, protective quality and maintenance, please visit www.omha.net. Select Risk Management from the index on the left where you will find a booklet titled “Safety Requires Teamwork & Safety for All”.
7. What skating ability is required for hockey school?
As hockey school is part of the House League program, it goes without saying that skaters of all abilities are welcomed, and encouraged, to join.
8. My child has never played hockey before. Do I register him/her in the hockey school program?
Our player registration is based on year of birth therefore he/she must be registered in the age appropriate division. Please keep in mind that our house league is a recreational program and each division consists of players of all abilities. Players are evaluated at the beginning of the season in order to ensure that teams are balanced.
9. What do I do/Who do I contact if I want to volunteer?
The CMHA relies on the efforts of many volunteers in order to bring hockey to the children in our town. Positions range from team helpers, coaches, trainers, division convenors, to Executive (voting and non-voting) positions. Please email any member of the Executive to get the ball rolling – good help is always welcome.
10. My child wants to play hockey, but I can't afford the registration. What can I do?
We understand that it is difficult to ask for help, especially financially. But we can all agree that it is important for children to participate in team sports. There are many places that you can go to for assistance: Canadian Tire Jump Start Program, Caledon Community Services, Bolton Rotary Club or KidSport Orangeville.
11. Can I sponsor a team?
ABSOLUTELY! Click here for our HL_sponsor.pdf