Mission & Code of Conduct (Caledon Minor Hockey Association)

PrintMission & Code of Conduct


The Caledon Minor Hockey Association and its Executive dedicates ourselves to promote and foster Amateur hockey through progressive leadership and by ensuring that all organized hockey programs are controlled and developed in the spirit of fair play and in accordance to the prescribed standards, as directed by the OMHA.

Aims and Objectives

1.     To foster the maximum opportunity for youth to participate in amateur hockey within the Boundaries as set down by this Constitution.

2.     To develop and encourage sportsmanship and good fellowship between all participants for the betterment of their physical, mental and social well being.

3.     To sponsor and promote such athletic, social and other activities as may contribute to the moral and financial welfare of the Association.

4.     To cooperate with the Town of Caledon for the furtherance of amateur hockey.

5.     It is the policy of the CMHA that a participant shall not be denied their fundamental rights and freedoms nor shall they suffer any abuse or neglect whether physical, emotional or sexual.

6.     The CMHA expects every parent, volunteer and staff member to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of its participants and protect them from any form of maltreatment or denial or any rights within the control of the CMHA.



The purpose of the CMHA Code of Conduct, also referred to herein as “the code” is to:

1. Clarify Expectations: It outlines the expected behavior and standards for all CMHA “Members”, defined to include Executive Members, Bench Staff, Parents, Players and any individuals who are associated with CMHA (i.e. outside volunteers, family members etc.), and helps ensure members understand what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behavior as a CMHA Member.

2. Promote Ethical Behavior: It defines the values and principles of the CMHA, and encourages ethical decision-making, behaviour and actions, with an aim to foster a culture of integrity, respect, and sportsmanship within the CMHA organization.

3. Ensure Consistency: It provides a consistent framework for addressing issues/incidents and decision-making principles, so all CMHA members are treated with consistent practices and standards.

4. Provides Clarity & Promotes Understanding: It serves to provide clear information and awareness of CMHA expectations for its members and resulting principles applied to consequences for any violations to “the code”.

5. Supports a Safe Environment: It serves as a commitment by the CMHA to creating a safe and inclusive environment for CMHA members, by promptly addressing issues such as harassment, bullying, discrimination, etc.

Members of the CMHA (as defined above), agree to abide by the CMHA Code of Conduct, through their familial enrollment within the organization, and/or as a condition of their volunteer/position designation within the CMHA.

CMHA Conduct Expectations of Members

1. Understand that being allowed to play hockey with the CMHA is a privilege and that full compliance with “the Code” is required at all times.

2. Agree to abide fully by the rules of the game applicable to the level of play in which a CMHA member participates.

3. Understand that we must set an example and conduct ourselves respectfully and with courtesy towards everyone associated with the CMHA.

4. Understand that any irresponsible or disrespectful behaviour by a CMHA member in any facility and/or toward any Coach, Bench Staff, Officials, players, or parents whether before, during or after a game or practice is inappropriate and will not be tolerated.

5. Understand that yelling, taunting, use of obscene gestures and/or language, discriminatory slurs, striking and/or attempting to strike (except allowable on-ice body contact under league rules) or otherwise abusing another player, Official, Coach, CMHA member or spectator will not be tolerated.

6. Understand that we must abide by and respect the Officials and their authority during any and all games. We will not question or confront Officials in a disrespectful and/or inappropriate manner, whether before, during or after the game.

7. Agree to not publicly criticize and/or question Coaches, players, teammates, opponents and/or Officials and shall only raise our concerns privately in a civil and respectful manner.

 8. Understand that CMHA player members are expected to attend every practice and game to the best of their ability and participate in all skill development sessions where applicable. It is a CMHA members responsibility to notify the head coach or designate if they are unable to attend scheduled team games, practices, events, etc. and understand that repeated absences may result in discipline as determined by the CMHA.

9. Understand that winning is not everything and that having fun, improving skills, making friends and learning sportsmanship is the primary goal of the CMHA. Winning and losing will be done with equal grace and dignity.

Misconduct is defined to include, but is not limited to, the following:

• Any conduct by a CMHA member that is deemed not to be in the best interest of the CMHA and/or in violation of this CMHA Code of Conduct.

 • Any conduct by a CMHA member directed at another member of the CMHA, that is deemed to be an act of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, physical abuse, mental/emotional abuse, bullying, mobbing, etc.

• Any verbal comments by a CMHA member directed at another member of the CMHA that are meant to be malicious, insulting, degrading, belittling, humiliating, etc.

• Any falsification or alteration of information and/or signature on any official document associated with the operation of the CMHA, for the purpose of misleading anyone. (The term “document” will include: any game sheet, team roster, player registration, affiliated player roster, player tryout form, financial report, written complaint, written statement or any correspondence to any official of the CMHA or any correspondence sent by an official of the CMHA to anyone.)

• Any act of theft, fraudulent conversion or fraudulent misrepresentation of money, property or services belonging to the CMHA, or money, property or services associated with the CMHA.

• Any conduct where a member of the CMHA unfairly uses their position of authority to advantage themselves or another person or member, or to disadvantage another person or member.

• Any conduct that is deemed to be in contravention of any specific directives set out by either the OMHA or CMHA without reasonable excuse.

• Any intentional damage of property of the CMHA, or private/public property used in conjunction with the CMHA and/or while acting in the capacity as an active member of the CMHA.

• Any verbal threats by a CMHA member directed towards another member of the CMHA, or any verbal threats directed towards another person while acting in the capacity of an active member of the CMHA.

• Any physical gesture by a CMHA member that implies a threat directed towards another member of the CMHA, or any physical gesture that implies a threat directed toward another person while acting in the capacity of an active member of the CMHA.

• Any comment made by a CMHA member directly or indirectly towards anyone, that is considered by community standards to be discriminatory based on characteristics defined in Ontario Human Rights legislation.

 • Any verbal intimidation by a CMHA member toward another CMHA member or person/individual association with the CMHA in any capacity, that is deemed to be either extreme or beyond the scope of being reasonable.

• Any conduct by a CMHA parent/guardian or responsible person of the CMHA player, that is deemed to be intimidating in nature towards any member of the CMHA team and/or is deemed to be detrimental to the cohesiveness of CMHA team unity.

• Any conduct that violates an existing CMHA or OMHA policy (I.e. CMHA Social Media Policy, etc.)

The above examples are not an exhaustive list of possible scenarios and situations that can arise. The CMHA Executive reserves the right to consider any and all matters that may not appear in the above list, as part of the code of conduct expectations.

Any breach of the CMHA Code of Conduct will be dealt with according to the CMHA Incident Management and Reporting Policy and Process and/or according to related CMHA policies and procedures.

The CMHA Code of Conduct closely replicates the OMHA Code of Conduct, and both may be applied/referenced in dealing with matters of misconduct within the CMHA.

This document uses some content that has been adapted for the CMHA from both the Essa Minor Hockey Association and the Welland Minor Hockey Association