Incident Resolution Process
Please Note All Submissions Require $150.00 Processing Fee Payable to Caledon Minor Hockey
The Caledon Minor Hockey Association is committed to creating and maintaining constructive, productive and supportive relationships within our Organization. With Associations this large, we understand there are contrasting styles of understanding and acting, as well as different points of view. In all cases it is hoped that the parties can resolve their differences by speaking with each other after the mandatory 24 hour waiting period.
When an Incident Form is received by the Caledon Minor Hockey Association or an infraction occurred to the knowledge of the Caledon Minor Hockey Association, the Association must determine if the incident or infraction ought to be considered minor or major. If the matter is a minor infraction it is dealt with at the Caledon Minor Hockey Association level unless the Association refers the matter to the Ontario Minor Hockey Association and the Ontario Minor Hockey Association agrees to the referral. When the local Association determines that the matter is a major infraction the matter must be referred to the Ontario Minor Hockey Association. If the member determines the matter is a major infraction they must submit the complaint directly to the Ontario Minor Hockey Association. Please complete their Form and follow the instructions. The Ontario Minor Hockey Association has the authority to send any Major Infractions back to the Caledon Minor Hockey Association to investigate. The forms are located at (Under Administration/Risk Management)
To all Caledon Minor Hockey Members
Please review the "Incident Resolution Process" to fully understand the formal process before submitting an official report to the IRC(Incident Resolution Committee). If there are any additional issues you want the IRC to be aware of prior to the commencement of the investigation, please advise the Chair of the committee when you are contacted. If you have no access to an online form, a printed from will be made available for you to pick up at the hockey office located inside Rotary Place.
The IRC is represented by the President of Caledon Minor Hockey, the Director of the applicable division (House league or Rep) and the VP Risk. One additional Board member may be appointed by the Board. There may be occasions where the make-up of the committee cannot be represented by the positions noted above due to conflict or availability. If this occurs a replacement (s) will be selected by the President of Caledon Minor Hockey and VP Risk.
The Incident Resolution Process is available to all members which includes players (as represented by their parent or guardian if under the age of 18), parents, team officials, Board Members, referees & Timekeepers and Volunteers.
Initial Investigation upon Receipt of Incident Form
Once the incident has been submitted online the IRC will review the Incident Form. If the IRC reasonably believes that the alleged behavior constitutes a safety risk, or otherwise reasonably believes that immediate intervention is required, they may suspend the Respondent pending the completion of the process.
Please Note: Be aware that once the Incident Resolution Form is completed it may be disclosed to the Respondent in its entirety. The decision will be made by the Incident Resolution Committee as to the information provided to the Respondent.
Please be advised: Any player, team official, on ice official, parent, director, officer, volunteer, employee or chaperone within the OMHA and/or any of the OHF Member Partners who knowingly brings false complaint against any OMHA Member may be disciplined up to an including dismissal and/or revocation of membership in accordance with the OMHA By-Laws and Regulations.
Form Links
Please complete this form if you want to report a conflict and/or complaint about a individual Coach, Team Official, Player, Parent, CMHA staff, CMHA Board Member or other. Each link will allow you to send a form directly to the person labelled on the form button: