2024 AGM Registration (Caledon Minor Hockey Association)

2024 AGM Registration

Registration eligibility shall be in compliance with Article 6 - Terms of Membership and Eligibility of the CALEDON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION  By-Laws.


6.1 Terms and Eligibility

(a) Active Membership Active Members shall include all elected or appointed Directors or officials, and all convenors, coaches, managers, and trainers appointed for the current season, and all registered players who are at least 18 years of age. Members in this classification will be allowed one vote per person and may attend membership meetings and, by invitation, meetings of the Board and Committees of the Association.

(b) Parent/Guardian Membership Parent/Guardian members shall include all parents and or legal guardians of registered players in good standing where the registered player is under the age of eighteen (18) years. Each Parent/Guardian member of a registered player shall be entitled to vote and may attend membership meetings and, by invitation, meetings of the Board and Committees of the Association.

(c) Honorary Lifetime Membership Honorary Lifetime Membership may be granted to an individual who has rendered extraordinary and distinguished service to the Association. Individuals may be nominated to be Honorary Lifetime Members by any Member of the Association and the granting of Honorary Lifetime Membership must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Honorary Lifetime Membership will be automatically granted to members that have served as President of the "Association”. Honorary Members will have no vote but may attend members meetings and by invitation, meetings of the Board and Committees of CMHA.

 (d) One Person — One Class of Membership Although it is possible for a member to be qualified for more than one (1) class of membership in the Association, no person may hold more than one (1) class of membership. It is therefore mandatory that each member shall declare himself/herself prior to the start of any meeting of the membership and advise the chairperson of the membership class he/she wishes to represent. Once the meeting is called to order, the member must remain in that class of membership and may not change to another category or class of membership

6.2 Membership List

Subject to Section 6.7 herein, the Secretary of the Board shall prepare and maintain a list of current Active Members, Parent/Guardian Members, and Honorary Lifetime Members. This list shall be kept at the head office and updated as necessary and made available to all Directors. Such list of Members shall be used to determine eligibility to attend and vote at any Meeting of the Membership. 7

6.3 Membership Year
Unless otherwise determined by the Board, every Membership, other than Honorary Lifetime Memberships shall commence on or after September 1 in each year and shall lapse and terminate on the 31st day of August next following the date on which such Membership commenced

6.6 Right to Vote

All Active Members, Parent/Guardian Members and Honorary Lifetime Members shall be entitled to notice of and to vote at all Meetings of Members of the Association, including the Annual General Meeting