Introduce yourself
Please provide your Full Name
Example: [email protected]. Your submission will be sent to this address.
Primary number where we may contact you
Required for Hockey Canada registry lookup
What team are you applying for?
Check your first perference
Check your preference
Check your 2nd preference
Check your preference (MD only available for Min. Bantam and older)
CMHA will contact you if there are openings on teams following the coach selections
Please tell us your qualifications and experience. (Note: You are NOT required to complete this section if you have been a Head Coach in Caledon in any prior year).
Select from Drop Down List
Expiry of current coaching certification from above
Please indicate if you have completed Trainer's Certification
NOTE: A certified trainer is required to be on the bench at all games.
This course is mandatory for all rostered positions
This is different than Respect in Sport - Parents
Check all that apply
Please tell us about yourself
Year-Team/Assoc-Category-Position (500 words)
2,000 Words
How many years did you play hockey? Do you still play? What is the highest level you played? (1,000 words)
Names and contact information (phone number)