Mar 20, 2023 | vslaney | 2220 views
PTS - Permission to skate forms...
Permission to skate forms are required if you wish to attend evaluations with an AAA or Junior team.
U10 to U13 Required by all players wishing to attend "AAA Zone" evaluations/training camps within the OMHA and Alliance. All Caledon players have to report to
Credit River Capitals AAA tryouts.
U14-U15-U16 Required by all players wishing to attend "AAA Zone" evaluations/training camps within the OMHA and Alliance. You have to indicate where you wish to attend.
U18 PTS forms are not available until after August 23rd. Required by all players wishing to attend "AAA" evaluations/training camps in accordance with
OHF Regulation K1-K27.
Junior Training Camps Required by all players 15 and up who wish to want to attend U18/Junior Assoc's and clubs running spring camps or spring tryouts. There are
rules that must be followed as indicated on the form.
Requests are to be forwarded to [email protected] with the following information:
Name, Date of Birth, address, current team, Evaluations/training camps you wish to attend.
**Please note U10 to U13 must attend Credit River Capitals.
Once the form has been prepared and signed by the Executive you will be notified to pick it up during business hours only.
Location: Caledon East Arena
Lower Level
6215 Old Church Rd
Business Hours - Monday and Wednesday 3 to 6pm; Saturday 9am to 12 Noon.
If there are any changes to these hours it will be displayed on the website home page.
For further information please email [email protected] or call 905-584-7825